2024 O-Level Geography: Comprehensive Sample Answers
Welcome to my dedicated page for the 2024 O-Level Geography sample answers. Here, you will find carefully crafted sample responses designed to guide your revision and deepen your understanding of questions in the national examination. Please note that, due to copyright restrictions, I am unable to provide the actual question papers. If you need access to the official questions, kindly obtain them from your subject teachers or purchase the Ten Year Series (TYS) from local bookstores. My goal is to offer structured sample answers that will help you develop strong exam techniques, enhance your analytical skills, and ultimately boost your confidence for the upcoming O-Level Geography examinations.
2279 Core Geography Paper 1
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Clusters Covered:
GEL – Topic 1.3 (Geographical Investigation)
Tourism – Topic 1 (Tourism Activity), Topic 2 (Tourism Development), Topic 3 (Sustainable Tourism Development)
Climate – Topic1 (Weather and Climate), Topic 2 (Climate Change), Topic 3 (Climate Action)
Structured questions assessing knowledge, skills, and judgement.
Includes a question on Geographical Investigation (GI), which assesses fieldwork methodologies and data analysis.
One 9-mark levels question in either the Tourism or Climate section will be marked using level descriptors.
2279 Core Geography Paper 2
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Clusters Covered:
GEL – Topic1 (Thinking Geographically), Topic 2 (Sustainable Development)
Tectonics – Topic1 (Plate Tectonics), Topic2 (Earthquakes and Volcanoes), Topic 3 (Disaster Risk Management)
Singapore – Topic 1 (Small Island City-State), Topic 2 (Opportunities and Challenges), Topic 3 (Sustainable and Resilient Singapore)
Structured questions that require candidates to apply geographical concepts to real-world scenarios.
One 9-mark levels question in either the Tectonics or Singapore section will be marked using level descriptors.
2260 Elective Geography Paper 2
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Clusters Covered:
GEL – Topic 1 (Thinking Geographically), Topic 2 (Sustainable Development), Topic 3 (Geographical Methods)
Tourism – Topic 1 (Tourism Activity), Topic 2 (Tourism Development), Topic 3 (Sustainable Tourism Development)
Choice Between:
Climate – Topic 1 (Weather and Climate), Topic 2 (Climate Change), Topic 3 (Climate Action)
Tectonics – Topic 1 (Plate Tectonics), Topic 2 (Earthquakes and Volcanoes), Topic 3 (Disaster Risk Management)
Candidates answer two compulsory questions (GEL and Tourism) and choose between Climate or Tectonics.
One 9-mark levels question testing AO3 (Judgement and Decision-Making) will be included in either the Tourism or Climate/Tectonics section.